About Us
InteGreater was founded in 2010 with a 30 year horizon, the first 15 years of which had to be about learning the rural system through lived experience culminating in the design and establishment of the prototype of a resilient village (ProtoVillage) and a blue-print for replication. The next 15 years is about scaling it out to every district of the country.
Now we are in the 13th year and on course, and seem to be on time for the next phase. A small team of villagers have shown extraordinary commitment to get us this far.
To co-create a Resilient rural India.
To inspire and empower youth to make every rural cluster in India, an interdependent network of resilient communities, and bring back village-ness to the villages.

Proto Village
ProtoVillage is a one stop shop to learn and practice every aspect of building a resilient village, a space where systemic frameworks for rural resilience are build tested and refined. A space that provides the foundation to launch resilience across rural India.